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© Cyberhorse 2001 |
Latest Results |
Select Session 1
Lots 1-222 |
Select Session 2
Lots 223-418 |
Summer Session 3
Lots 419-648 |
1 |
C |
General Nediym /
Oh So Special |
Mick Price VIC |
$40,000 |
2 |
C |
Snippets / One
Chance |
Rick Worthington NSW |
$50,000 |
3 |
C |
Timber Country /
Ossie Cossie |
Doug C Harrison VIC |
$42,000 |
4 |
C |
Success Express /
Our Vain Lady |
Ken Sweeney SA |
$22,000 |
5 |
F |
Encosta de Lago /
Out 'n' About |
P $70,000 R $80,000 |
6 |
F |
Zeditave /
Overhaul |
P $20,000 R $27,500 |
7 |
C |
Perugino /
Overnight |
P $5,000 R $9,000 |
8 |
F |
Made of Gold /
Pacific Power |
Magic Millions as agent QLD |
$18,000 |
9 |
C |
Spartacus / Palace
Beauty |
Mick Price VIC |
$55,000 |
10 |
C |
Fuji Kiseki /
Palace Spirit |
Grandway Racehorse Co HK |
$47,500 |
11 |
C |
Flying Spur /
Paris Delights |
P $35,000 R $40,000 |
12 |
C |
Sandpit /
Parkhill's Flyer |
P $22,500 R $25,000 |
13 |
C |
Ali-Royal /
Pasha's Honor |
P $22,500 R $25,000 |
14 |
F |
King of Kings /
Patronella |
Wattle Gully Stud NSW |
$60,000 |
15 |
C |
Keltrice / Pazzihi |
Olympia Bloodstock HK |
$125,000 |
16 |
C |
Hurricane Sky /
Pedante |
Rick Worthington NSW |
$26,000 |
17 |
F |
Distorted Humor /
Peebinga Princess |
P $25,000 R $30,000 |
18 |
C |
Kenvain / Perfect
Idea |
Stuart Gower SA |
$44,000 |
19 |
C |
Keltrice / Petite
Filou |
Heinrich Bloodstock QLD |
$20,000 |
20 |
F |
Thunder Gulch /
Phar Lite |
Brian Mayfield-Smith VIC |
$55,000 |
21 |
F |
Last Tycoon /
Pinpante |
Brian Mayfield-Smith VIC |
$35,000 |
22 |
F |
Hennessy /
Playacting |
Rick Worthington NSW |
$18,000 |
23 |
F |
Thunder Gulch /
Poetique |
Philip & Zarah Green VIC |
$67,500 |
24 |
F |
Desert King /
Point to the Stars |
TM Andrews Racing Stables WA |
$17,000 |
25 |
C |
Rory's Jester /
Pop Artist |
P $42,500 R $45,000 |
26 |
F |
Royal Academy /
Portrait Collector |
Roger Davis & Susie Yip QLD |
$85,000 |
27 |
C |
Strategic / Pretty
Natural |
Graeme Rogerson B'stock NSW |
$26,000 |
28 |
C |
Rory's Jester /
Prima Diva |
Macedon Lodge Pty Ltd VIC |
$26,000 |
29 |
F |
Made of Gold /
Prime Place |
Magic Millions as agent QLD |
$15,000 |
30 |
C |
Made of Gold /
Prime Ville |
Magic Millions as agent QLD |
$17,500 |
31 |
C |
Desert Sun /
Princess Carrie |
P $20,000 R $25,000 |
32 |
F |
Rory's Jester /
Princess del Sole |
P $20,000 R $30,000 |
33 |
F |
Zeditave /
Princess Fire |
Computer Source Australia NSW |
$11,000 |
34 |
C |
Grand Lodge /
Princess Salina |
P $40,000 R $50,000 |
35 |
C |
Ali-Royal /
Princess Seymour |
P $5,000 R $0 |
36 |
C |
Rhythm / Private
Collection |
Colin Alderson VIC |
$48,000 |
37 |
C |
Desert Sun /
Promise Sweetheart |
Rick Hore-Lacy VIC |
$25,000 |
38 |
F |
Gold Fever /
Proudest |
Paul Moroney B'stock NZ |
$25,000 |
39 |
C |
Danzero / Pure
Bright |
Rick Worthington NSW |
$82,500 |
40 |
C |
Rustic Amber /
Queen of Ingenue |
Nick Assiotis SA |
$20,000 |
41 |
C |
Hurricane Sky /
Queen's Choir |
Contract Racing P/L VIC |
$45,000 |
42 |
F |
Brocco / Queen's
Melody |
Geni Gillis VIC |
$8,000 |
43 |
F |
Geiger Counter /
Quick Gossip |
Colin Little VIC |
$25,000 |
44 |
C |
Desert Prince /
Quiet Style |
P $40,000 R $80,000 |
45 |
F |
Desert King /
Quinta Do Lago |
Peter Moody Racing P/L QLD |
$20,000 |
46 |
C |
Encosta de Lago /
Quisiera |
Rick Hore-Lacy VIC |
$60,000 |
47 |
F |
Royal Academy /
Raadscay |
Mayfields Proprietors SA |
$24,000 |
48 |
C |
Hurricane Sky /
Rabble |
Withdrawn |
49 |
C |
Danzero / Ranch
'n' Sway |
Mark Pilkington B'stock VIC |
$80,000 |
50 |
F |
Fuji Kiseki /
Ranch Queen |
Rick Worthington NSW |
$45,000 |
51 |
C |
Distorted Humor /
Random Chance |
Gary D Kennewell SA |
$25,000 |
52 |
F |
Danewin / Ranzest |
Withdrawn |
53 |
C |
Geiger Counter /
Rarely Caught |
Mark Kavanagh SA |
$60,000 |
54 |
C |
Torrential / Rare
Moon |
P $22,500 R $30,000 |
55 |
C |
Groom Dancer / Red
Card |
P $17,500 R $25,000 |
56 |
F |
Made of Gold / Red
Dame |
P $17,500 R $30,000 |
57 |
F |
Distorted Humor /
Redeswood |
Rick Hore-Lacy VIC |
$8,000 |
58 |
C |
Shovhog / Reelia
Game |
Bradley Marzato VIC |
$28,000 |
59 |
F |
Polish Navy /
Regelle |
Mick Price VIC |
$12,000 |
60 |
C |
Hennessy /
Regencia |
Mark Pilkington B'stock VIC |
$42,500 |
61 |
F |
Baryshnikov /
Regent Appeal |
Ron Dufficy NSW |
$30,000 |
62 |
F |
Made of Gold /
Remedial |
Jason Warren VIC |
$10,000 |
63 |
C |
Gold Fever /
Rendezvous |
Tom Sweeney SA |
$37,000 |
64 |
F |
Hurricane Sky /
Rhythmic Charm |
Withdrawn |
65 |
C |
End Sweep / Rock
Review |
SK Lee SA |
$13,000 |
66 |
F |
Flying Spur /
Roman Wave |
Withdrawn |
67 |
F |
Danzero / Rom's
Stiletto |
P $47,500 R $50,000 |
68 |
C |
Snippets /
Rosellini |
Ron Dufficy NSW |
$45,000 |
69 |
C |
Honour and Glory /
Rosemount Sal |
Gary D Kennewell SA |
$16,000 |
70 |
C |
Hurricane Sky /
Royal Tess |
P $16,000 R $20,000 |
71 |
C |
Spartacus / Ruby
Dream |
Donald Baertschiger SING |
$62,500 |
72 |
F |
Honour and Glory /
Ruby Sunday |
Joan Richardson SA |
$11,000 |
73 |
C |
Danzero / Runaway
Babe |
P $75,000 R $80,000 |
74 |
F |
Woodman / Salamore |
P $45,000 R $50,000 |
75 |
F |
Hennessy / Sammee
M |
Paul Moroney B'stock NZ |
$20,000 |
76 |
C |
Perugino / Santa
Elena |
Paul Beamish NZ |
$15,000 |
77 |
F |
Danewin / Sassie
Lassie |
Graeme Rogerson B'stock NSW |
$80,000 |
78 |
C |
Desert Sun / Satin
Sheets |
Jim Scott TAS |
$6,000 |
79 |
C |
Bellotto / Saytana |
Dannis McNamee SA |
$13,000 |
80 |
F |
Desert Prince /
Seaside Lady |
Graeme Rogerson B'stock NSW |
$60,000 |
81 |
C |
Woodman / Sequel
Sound |
Ron Dufficy NSW |
$35,000 |
82 |
C |
Hurricane Sky /
Seraphic |
P $25,000 R $35,000 |
83 |
F |
Grand Lodge /
Serpentinite |
P $14,000 R $20,000 |
84 |
C |
Blevic / Shabet |
Richard Jolly SA |
$47,500 |
85 |
F |
Secret Savings /
Shanneel |
Rick Hore-Lacy VIC |
$80,000 |
86 |
F |
Bubble Gum Fellow
/ Shaquille |
Newmarc Thoroughbreds VIC |
$30,000 |
87 |
C |
Brocco / She's a
Pipe Dream |
Barry Dunn SA |
$30,000 |
88 |
C |
Distorted Humor /
She's Discreet |
Aquanita Racing P/L |
$60,000 |
89 |
C |
Red Ransom /
Shiveen |
Mark Kavanagh SA |
$60,000 |
90 |
F |
Anabaa / Shurban |
P $22,500 R $40,000 |
91 |
F |
Generous / Shy
Lizzie |
Jeremy Gask SA |
$42,500 |
92 |
C |
End Sweep / Simple
Concept |
Anzac Lodge NZ |
$40,000 |
93 |
C |
Distorted Humor /
Sixpence |
RW & SE Huxtable SA |
$29,000 |
94 |
C |
Desert King /
Sizzles |
Paul Willetts NZ |
$23,000 |
95 |
F |
Snippets /
Smytzer's Roylani |
Murray Livestock NSW |
$20,000 |
96 |
F |
Brocco / Snatch |
Llanillo Park Stud NSW |
$9,000 |
97 |
F |
Torrential / Some
Kinda Quick |
Gary D Kennewell SA |
$12,000 |
98 |
F |
End Sweep /
Southern Kin |
P $31,000 R $40,000 |
99 |
F |
Distorted Humor /
Sovereign Appeal |
P $26,000 R $30,000 |
100 |
C |
Bubble Gum Fellow
/ Spirit of Love |
Withdrawn |
101 |
C |
Rory's Jester /
Spirit of Oakbank |
P $55,000 R $75,000 |
102 |
F |
Honour and Glory /
Star Arrival |
P $11,000 R $20,000 |
103 |
F |
Rory's Jester /
Stardust Surprise |
P $17,500 R $25,000 |
104 |
C |
Ashkalani / Star
of Renouncing |
John Foote B'stock QLD |
$34,000 |
105 |
F |
Rustic Amber /
Stella Matutina |
P $47,500 R $50,000 |
106 |
C |
Woodman / Stellare |
Computer Source Australia NSW |
$32,500 |
107 |
C |
Gold Fever / Storm
Spirit |
Gerald Ryan QLD |
$100,000 |
108 |
C |
Bellotto / Sudden
Lull |
Damien Williams MAL |
$12,000 |
109 |
C |
Distorted Humor /
Sudden Wonder |
Gary D Kennewell SA |
$26,000 |
110 |
C |
King of Kings /
Summer Magic |
Murray Christensen NSW |
$52,500 |
111 |
C |
Ashkalani / Sweet
Prancer |
J Hambrook QLD |
$42,000 |
112 |
F |
Helissio / Swift
Falcon |
P $22,000 R $25,000 |
113 |
F |
Scenic / Symbiosis |
P $13,000 R $20,000 |
114 |
C |
Bellotto / Tafah |
Withdrawn |
115 |
F |
Woodman / Tarcuto
Way |
P $30,000 R $40,000 |
116 |
C |
Gold Fever / Te
Akau Futon |
J Hambrook QLD |
$10,000 |
117 |
F |
Anabaa / Tears for
Tristram |
Withdrawn |
118 |
C |
Success Express /
Tenakee |
Leo H Chan NSW |
$52,500 |
119 |
C |
El Moxie /
Thornhill Belle |
Doug Harrison VIC |
$27,000 |
120 |
C |
General Nediym /
Thunderbowl |
Rick Hore-Lacy VIC |
$52,000 |
121 |
C |
Zabeel / Tillyard |
SJ Quinlivan WA |
$47,500 |
122 |
F |
Grand Lodge /
Tokyo |
Jim Scott TAS |
$10,000 |
123 |
C |
Desert Sun /
Toolora Twist |
Tim Magnus NSW |
$25,000 |
124 |
C |
Heart Lake / Top
Polish |
Grandway Racehorse Co HK |
$35,000 |
125 |
F |
Hennessy /
Toweroffemmefatale |
John Chalmers B'stock WA |
$15,000 |
126 |
C |
Spinning World /
Tower Seal |
Leon Macdonald SA |
$32,000 |
127 |
C |
General Nediym /
Trendy Press |
Gerald Ryan QLD |
$63,000 |
128 |
F |
Bubble Gum Fellow
/ Trinket Box |
P $17,000 R $20,000 |
129 |
C |
Woodman / Tristram
Power |
John Chalmers B'stock WA |
$77,500 |
130 |
C |
Desert King /
Tropical Nights |
R Hutchinson VIC |
$16,000 |
131 |
C |
Royal Academy /
Tudor Primrose |
Michael O'Leary SA |
$27,500 |
132 |
F |
Encosta de Lago /
Tudulu |
Meredith Hayes SA |
$6,000 |
133 |
F |
Langfuhr /
Tulipano |
P $17,000 R $20,000 |
134 |
F |
Success Express /
Tumi |
Kevin Dagg B'stock VIC |
$10,000 |
135 |
F |
Unbridled's Song /
Turn to Music |
Graeme Rogerson B'stock NSW |
$45,000 |
136 |
C |
Perugino / Tuscany
Girl |
H & L Pitsh SA |
$15,000 |
137 |
C |
Success Express /
Twignacious |
Anzac Lodge NZ |
$22,000 |
138 |
C |
Geiger Counter /
Twinkling Belle |
Chris Biggins VIC |
$20,000 |
139 |
C |
Rancho Ruler /
Twinkling Toy |
John Mackenzie NZ |
$26,000 |
140 |
F |
Desert King /
Tycoon's Model |
P $35,000 R $40,000 |
141 |
C |
Rubiton / Untwine |
NJ Dyer Racing Stables VIC |
$16,000 |
142 |
F |
King of Kings /
Vain's Joy |
Alan Bailey QLD |
$41,000 |
143 |
C |
Encosta de Lago /
Valentine's Gift |
Newmarc Thoroughbreds VIC |
$30,000 |
144 |
F |
Flying Spur /
Vandalism |
Peter Moody Racing P/L QLD |
$50,000 |
145 |
F |
Made of Gold /
Vanda Miss Joaquim |
P $27,500 R $30,000 |
146 |
C |
Encosta de Lago /
Vanda Rouge |
Magic Millions as agent QLD |
$42,000 |
147 |
C |
Snippets /
Veronique |
Kerry Rayner VIC |
$40,000 |
148 |
C |
Marwina / Vintage
Dance |
John Foote B'stock QLD |
$75,000 |
149 |
F |
Woodman / Viva
Lyphard |
J Hambrook QLD |
$30,000 |
150 |
C |
Gold Fever /
Voodoo Belle |
John Mackenzie NZ |
$17,000 |
151 |
C |
Rubiton / Voodoo
Gleam |
Tony Christou SA |
$41,000 |
152 |
C |
Gold Fever / Watch
Out Fobbie |
Mark Kavanagh SA |
$18,000 |
153 |
F |
Polish Navy /
Welcome Aboard |
P $6,000 R $7,000 |
154 |
C |
Gold Fever / Well
Disposed |
Kerry Rayner VIC |
$25,000 |
155 |
C |
Royal Academy /
Westland |
Anzac Lodge NZ |
$40,000 |
156 |
C |
Bluebird /
Westvale |
United Syndications VIC |
$30,000 |
157 |
F |
Bubble Gum Fellow
/ Whilodge |
P $28,000 R $35,000 |
158 |
F |
Shovhog / Whist |
Withdrawn |
159 |
F |
Distorted Humor /
Wide Berth |
Ascot T'bred Stud SA |
$35,000 |
160 |
F |
Spectrum / Willow
Brook |
P $21,000 R $25,000 |
161 |
C |
Charnwood Forest /
Willow Gold |
Gary D Kennewell SA |
$17,000 |
162 |
C |
King of Kings /
Winter Pearl |
P $37,500 R $40,000 |
163 |
C |
Woodman / Witch of
the West |
Firstholme T'breds QLD |
$35,000 |
164 |
C |
Nothin' Leica Dane
/ With Ease Louise |
Withdrawn |
165 |
C |
Made of Gold /
Yahtzee |
Aquanita Racing P/L VIC |
$50,000 |
166 |
C |
Bubble Gum Fellow
/ Yallah Sun |
Doug Harrison VIC |
$47,500 |
167 |
F |
Geiger Counter /
Yesterday's Roses |
P $22,500 R $25,000 |
168 |
F |
Danzero / You Jest |
Michael O'Leary SA |
$38,000 |
169 |
F |
Secret Savings /
Zaghaareed |
Graeme Rogerson B'stock NSW |
$70,000 |
170 |
C |
Shovhog / Zaiglo |
Albert Stapleford NSW |
$42,000 |
171 |
F |
Keltrice /
Zantoussa |
P $17,000 R $20,000 |
172 |
F |
Thunder Gulch /
Zapazig |
Withdrawn |
173 |
F |
Desert Sun /
Zeddez |
Tim Magnus NSW |
$40,000 |
174 |
F |
Thunder Gulch /
Zircon Lass |
John Chalmers B'stock WA |
$15,000 |
175 |
C |
Strategic / Zoa |
John Chalmers B'stock WA |
$105,000 |
176 |
F |
Brocco / Abbaron |
David Balfour SA |
$35,000 |
177 |
C |
King of Kings /
Abbey Lady |
Thornhill Park QLD |
$52,000 |
178 |
C |
Perugino /
Acropora |
Mark Pilkington B'stock VIC |
$26,000 |
179 |
F |
Red Ransom /
Adagio |
John Foote B'stock QLD |
$80,000 |
180 |
F |
Ali-Royal /
Aldybus |
P $19,000 R $20,000 |
181 |
C |
Hurricane Sky /
Alice's Pro |
Withdrawn |
182 |
F |
General Nediym /
Allendale |
Tony Noonan VIC |
$15,000 |
183 |
C |
Marauding / Alpine
Twist |
Mick Price VIC |
$67,500 |
184 |
C |
Danehill Dancer /
Angel on High |
P $22,500 R $25,000 |
185 |
C |
King of Kings /
Angel on Links |
P $31,000 R $35,000 |
186 |
C |
Geiger Counter /
Angel's Trilogy |
Mick Price VIC |
$75,000 |
187 |
F |
End Sweep /
Appealing Girl |
P $55,000 R $60,000 |
188 |
C |
Danzig Connection
/ Aptitude |
P $47,500 R $50,000 |
189 |
C |
Woodman / Ariyam |
Therese Patton VIC |
$30,000 |
190 |
F |
King of Kings /
Assizes |
P $24,000 R $25,000 |
191 |
F |
Hennessy / Astral
Sprite |
P $23,000 R $25,000 |
192 |
F |
Made of Gold /
Aussie's Revenge |
P $9,000 R $10,000 |
193 |
F |
Last Tycoon /
Avery Row |
Tony Vasil VIC |
$60,000 |
194 |
C |
Rubiton / Avid
Gift |
Robbie Laing VIC |
$47,500 |
195 |
F |
Made of Gold /
Azisai |
P $18,000 R $20,000 |
196 |
F |
Timber Country /
Baby Marie |
P $25,000 R $35,000 |
197 |
C |
Last Tycoon /
Barbie's Game |
P $75,000 R $80,000 |
198 |
C |
Charnwood Forest /
Bayremah |
GW Webster WA |
$11,000 |
199 |
C |
Jeune / Beat the
Bullet |
Ron Dufficy NSW |
$28,000 |
200 |
F |
Grand Lodge /
Beautician |
Brian Doyle WA |
$40,000 |
201 |
F |
Geiger Counter /
Bedevilled |
Commercial B'stock WA |
$36,000 |
202 |
C |
Fuji Kiseki /
Bedouin Dancer |
Rick Worthington NSW |
$105,000 |
203 |
C |
Unbridled's Song /
Begotten |
Thornhill Park QLD |
$42,500 |
204 |
C |
Desert Prince /
Bella Serata |
John Foote B'stock QLD |
$130,000 |
205 |
F |
Made of Gold /
Bellawella |
Leon Macdonald SA |
$26,000 |
206 |
F |
Danzero / Belle
Bellotto |
GW Webster WA |
$17,000 |
207 |
F |
Bubble Gum Fellow
/ Better Quest |
SK Lee |
$11,000 |
208 |
C |
Spinning World /
Be Yourself |
Brookby Stables NZ |
$50,000 |
209 |
F |
Spinning World /
Bionic Bess |
Patricia Quarrel TAS |
$40,000 |
210 |
F |
Made of Gold /
Birthday Gift |
John Chalmers B'stock WA |
$14,000 |
211 |
C |
Royal Academy /
Blayney Breeze |
John Foote B'stock QLD |
$31,000 |
212 |
F |
Ashkalani / Blue
China Doll |
Rick Worthington NSW |
$32,000 |
213 |
F |
Shovhog / Blue
Lady |
Doug Harrison VIC |
$25,000 |
214 |
F |
King of Kings /
Blueness |
Stuart Gower SA |
$27,000 |
215 |
F |
Bubble Gum Fellow
/ Borne Aloft |
Withdrawn |
216 |
F |
Brocco / Bratenahl |
John Foote B'stock QLD |
$32,500 |
217 |
F |
Rubiton / Bright
Gleam |
Brian Mayfield-Smith VIC |
$130,000 |
218 |
F |
Made of Gold /
Brondquill |
John Foote B'stock QLD |
$20,000 |
219 |
F |
Soviet Lad / Brook
Road |
Magic Millions as agent WA |
$11,000 |
220 |
F |
King of Kings /
Bryn Mawr |
Withdrawn |
221 |
F |
Nothin' Leica Dane
/ Burrendah Girl |
P $13,000 R $15,000 |
222 |
F |
Desert Sun /
Butterfly |
Graeme Rogerson B'stock NSW |
$50,000 |
The results published in this section have been provided to Cyberhorse
by Magic Millions Sales Pty Limited. |
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