14874|yes|||||Lots of revelations this morning on the Jeff Kennett talkback on 3AK. Marica was great and Hugh Wirth openly admitted that the RSPCA have known about the horses at Werribee for past 2 years. Hugh%27s ending comment was %27the horse should have been put down 2 years ago..that is our view%27. He also revealed that the QLD vet is not registered in QLD or VIC. Then Richard Hunter gave an update on 3AW stating that the owners have until 5pm today to contact the QLD vet to arrange for a visit to Victoria with the other 3 Melb Uni vets to discuss Cambridge%27s condition and the condition of the other 2 stallions. Richard Hunter stated that money to fly the vet here to VIC was not a problem. Should the owners not secure the arrangement by 5pm then the RSPCA have no alternative but to pursue the matter in the Courts. %0D%0AAll involved are progressing with legal representation and further investigations are taking place as to the history of the litigation trail that the two sisters have left behind them.%0D%0AI am sure by now the investors are jumping up and down and one has to wonder whether their funding will continue to support the two sisters or is it a case they too have been misled%3F %0D%0AMarica is at a conference today but I am sure she will post her update later.|||0||12 41|0|Sandra Regan|11/01/1999|14:41:27|Sandra Regan|EQUITANA TICKETS MELBOURNE 1999|I have to sell our Equitana tickets as I have uni commitments :(. I have two bronze passes entitling you to entry 9am - 7pm 18, 19, 20 21 November an||||0 44|0|Bill|11/05/1999|08:38:36|Bill|New Eventing Reports|Sarah Moss' report on the Lynton 3 day (1 day!) is at her site at http://www.cyberhorse.net.au/sdm D||0||0 46|0|Berni|11/07/1999|18:12:11|Berni|2000 Equestrian Diary|Dolly van Zaane has produced a wonderful year 2000 diary with many of her best photos featured. Would make a great Christmas gift. For more info, go t||0||0 42|0|debbie|11/08/1999|14:45:47|me|Taping X/C boots???|Hi I was wondering if anyone knows how eventers get the colours on their horses X/C boots. Do they use some sort of coloured bandage over the boot and||0||5 47|0|Sandra Regan|11/09/1999|20:15:17|Sandra Regan|CHEAP EQUITANA TICKETS|Hi, Unfortunately I have to sell our 2 Equitana tickets. There are two bronze passes for sale. This entitles you to 2 days entry between 18th Nov||0||1 49|0|Julie|11/09/1999|15:17:10|Julie|Stormarn Contender - info? anyone|I have a horse whose grandsire is Stormarn Contender, who was by Contact.Does anyone have any info on the stallion or stud, or where they are now?||0||0 52|0|Bill|11/11/1999|15:09:06|Tina|Geelong Dressage Comp Results|Does anyone know why the Geelong Dressage Club comp results havn't as yet been posted in the cyberhorse results section?. That is the comp dated 24th ||0||1 55|0|anon1|11/12/1999|04:22:47|anon1|4.19 am????.... i dont think so|when i posted these posts, it was 8.19am... i know there is a 2 hour time difference from NZ to Vic/NSW/etc but 4 hours? whats that about?||0||0 56|0|Fran|11/12/1999|08:31:50|Juan Fdo Ortiz|Loocking for trainning horses as a position|I need to find a job trainning horses in Australia, prefer a Live-in position near to Sidney. In order to go to Sidney to do my Postgrade on Electron||0||1 58|0|Jean|11/12/1999|17:22:31|Jean|Hi Guys ! (hoofs)|Hi there you guys, what a good idea. It seems so soo..... civilized here compared to some other forums,Where is everyone? What happened to that lo||0||0 43|0|Shahron|11/12/1999|16:53:40|Caitlin Walker|Horse Trainer|HI, I was just wondering if anyone out there could give me some help in choosing a good horse trainer around here. I live in Sale which is 3 hours fr||0||3 53|0|me|11/13/1999|16:34:41|Katie James|Horses,Horses,Horses|Dear fellow horse lovers, I am new to horses and horse riding and I was wondering if anyone could give some helpful hints? I am considering mabeyg||0||4 40|0|BL|11/14/1999|11:48:32|Basil|Royal Hobart Show|Is there any results available for the dressage and/or showing at the Royal Hobart Show?||0||1 48|0|Fran|11/14/1999|10:59:37|Kirsty|Calling all ex Hoofs and Horns people...|Shall we set up a new home here????||0||10 62|0|Lin Crackel|11/15/1999|16:35:42|Lin Crackel|Olympics 3DE Sports Pass|I know this is unlikely but if anyone who bought a Olympics 3DE Sports Pass now wants to sell it, I have a buyer ready and waiting!!A friend of||0||0 64|0|Emma|11/18/1999|07:04:16|Vickie Howarth|Victorian Eventers Association|Just to let you know the latest from VEA ... The next general meeting will be held 13 December the venue will probably be in Richmond. Details will be||0||3 66|0|georgie hannay|11/19/1999|17:34:45|georgie hannay|showjumping|has any one got any good training tips for ponies jumping mw=embers cup||0||0 67|0|Margaret|11/21/1999|17:38:22|georgie hannay|showjumping trainers|does anyone know of any showjumping trainers for training in bristol south west a young girl very scopey ponies would make it to the top? if intereste||0||2 65|0|Jan|11/22/1999|11:10:38|Bill|New Site for Wallace Livestock Insurance|For all of you with valuable horses, you may be interested in visiting a new site we are hosting for Wallace Livestock Insurance Agency. You can find ||0||4 70|0|Vickie|11/23/1999|09:37:51|Vickie|Christmas Party|Just to let you know that the plans for the VEA Christmas party are just about finalised. It will be at Yarra Glen Hunt Club the weekend of the Yarra ||0||0 71|0|Bill|11/23/1999|20:50:46|Bill|Belcam Auction|We've put the entire catalogue for this year's Belcam Warmblood Stud auction into The Virtual Saleyard. The 30 horses are listing numbers 11057 thru t||0||0 60|0|Racing fan|11/24/1999|16:41:25|Fran|More H and H People|Now Jean's arrived ! we can get on to racing again and if you read her thread she wants to know where the english girl Caroline??? is and the other ev||0||9 57|0|kristen|11/24/1999|11:12:14|Whizz|Worming rotation|Can someone fill me in on the correct way you rotate different chemical based wormers? ie. an oximinth drug based wormer then next 2 times another sor||0||1 61|0|Julie|11/25/1999|12:57:22|Kirsty|WA HOTY results|For anyone interested the WA Hack Council HOTY was on the weekend. I like this show much better than the EFA one, it just seems much less stuffy with ||0||7 72|0|Lozza|11/25/1999|14:27:53|Lozza|Horse Wanted to buy|does anybody out there in victoria have a horse for sale 15-16hh 7-12 years old to suit ambitious experienced 13 year old rider to do Pony Club, O.D.E||0||0 73|0|Sophie|11/25/1999|14:53:48|Sophie|Somewhere to live in Victoria|Hi Im a 23 year old university student from Western Australia. Im looking for somewhere to stay from January-June 2000 around the Pakenham, Victoria a||0||0 68|0|Silver|11/26/1999|08:33:48|jnr.eventer|What should I look for?|I am currently looking for my next horse. I want to do EFA eventing, but I'm not sure what sort of horse to look for! I have done limited pony club gr||0||6 76|0|Bill|11/26/1999|11:55:43|Bill|MIRoTEC Web Site|We've just completed a new site for MIRoTEC (mirror-tech) Heat Reflective Therapy. Using 'space blanket' technology, they have developed a range of ru||0||0 75|0|michelle|11/26/1999|11:06:58|Kirsty|Snakes|I heard there was a discussion on one of the other forums about snakebite but it must be one of the forums where threads disappear off the page...so..||0||2 80|0|B.G|11/28/1999|13:45:11|B.G|looking for a horse.|Does anyone have or know of an old dressage horse around 18 - 20yrs that is retired or for sale? I would like on that is educated around Prix St Georg||0||0 83|0|Getta |11/28/1999|21:38:24|Getta |Looking for a horse |hi, i am looking for a horse for my sister about 16hh anywhere in australia apart from tasmainia as long as it has experience in hacking and||0||0 84|0|Bill|11/28/1999|21:40:53|Bill|Macarthur Horse Trials|Sarah Moss has just produced a comprehensive report on the Macarthur Horse Trials 3DE last weekend. It has no less than 27 photos so a fair percentage||0||0 85|0|EFA VIC Branch Office|11/29/1999|05:58:09|EFA VIC Branch Office|EFA School Equestrian Sports.|Due to many requests, the EFA Vic Branch will be holding a Schools Equestrian Sports in April 2000 at Werribee Park National Equestrian Centre.All||0||0 87|0|Cindy|11/29/1999|08:20:23|Cindy|Rugby Pelham/False Weymouth for Sale|I have a brand new false weymouth bit for sale. It is a cob size. $40 contact me on e-mail.Thankyou||0||0 82|0|Fran|11/29/1999|20:39:12|Libby|goitre in foals|I have a tb brood mare who has had two foals in the three years I've had her. Both these foals have had small goitre swellings in their gullets from b||0||2 79|0|Sko|11/29/1999|17:48:03|Lozza|Horse Physio Requirements|I am going into yr 8 next year and i want to start doing as many things as possible to become a horse physio when i leave school, i was wondering if a||0||2 88|0|Kate!|11/29/1999|17:47:27|Kate!|part-time jobs|Hi! My name's Kate and I am trying to get a part time job at my local riding school. I am a competent rider and I love horses. I ride at Scenic Hills ||0||0 77|0|BL|11/30/1999|12:14:46|no body important|mmm spunky boys|sorry to downgrade such a intelliegent fourm but did any body see the spunky boys at Equitana mmm yummy does any body agree||0||4 93|0|EFA office|12/02/1999|05:14:23|EFA VIC BRANCH OFFICE|RANDOM SHOW HORSE SWABS.|All random swabs taken in the show horse section at Lilydale Agricultural Show have proven negative.Swabs taken at Catani are currently being test||0||2 78|0|annie|12/02/1999|14:12:27|Annette|Horse adoption|I've just seen the web-site www.horseadoption.com. It's an organisation in the US that take on standardbreds & TB off the track and give them basic t||0||3 94|0|sarah|12/03/1999|09:27:00|Sarah|Help |I am having problems keeping my 7 yo TB novice eventer sound.His feet have been x-rayed & there is remodeling going on in the navicular bone of his of||0||3 97|0|brenda|12/07/1999|06:35:07|annie|bot eggs|information wanted on getting bot fly eggs out of manes and tails? thank you||0||1 95|0|sdm|12/10/1999|07:18:47|karen|NSW/Victoria climate and horses|I am considering moving from Christchurch, New Zealand to either the Sydney or Melbourne area. If I make this move I am planning on bringing over a co||0||9 98|0|India de Vienne|12/10/1999|11:29:28|India |Bringing a horse back into work|Now that the holidays are about to begin, I have been thinking about how I am going to work on my *project*.She's a 10 year old, Holsteiner X TB ma||0||1 81|0|Me|01/04/2000|14:57:46|Colin|That uniform...........mmmm??|I attended the Adelaide **** 3DE with a friend visiting from overseas, I've followed eventing here and there but I'd never seen the rider from Victori||0||11 96|0|Shahron|01/10/2000|07:32:11|Emma|Horse Buying|I'm helping someone buy a 'safe' dressage horse at the moment (despite their 'dumbbloodness', this actually rules out a great majority of WBs), and I'||0||17 69|0|Jan Heine|01/13/2000|09:29:12|TM|Help Wanted Please!|Hi,I was hoping someone could help me with a problem one of my horses has. One vet says it is early stages of navicular, he is almost certain, and||0||8 50|0|lorraine|01/14/2000|07:33:30|Andrea|Has Adelaide harmed Eventing?|With such dreadful publicity and graphic photos has Adelaide harmed eventing? What will happen if they lose a horse or rider at the 2000 Games?Is ||0||14 99|0|Ebony Tucker|01/18/2000|16:25:39|Lozza|Does anybody have any info about Ebony Tucker or Langford. Any info greatly appreciated|could somebody tell me some info about Ebony Tucker and her horse Langford.thanks||0||1 90|0|doc|01/22/2000|15:08:12|casey|ANY INFOMATION ON CHESTER|Hi I was just wondering if anyone had any infomation on my chestnut gelding called chester purchised at the bega horse sales in 1995 he is now 13 year||0||1 92|0|Robin|01/25/2000|18:52:11|Jayne|Monty Roberts|I have heard Monty Roberts is doing some exhibitions in Sydney in the new year - is anyone aware where and when?Please forgive me if I have missed ||0||24 63|0|vic|01/26/2000|14:18:30|Sarah|Dressage marking confusion.|I recently rode an official novice test. I had never been before either judge previously. I always wait around after I've ridden to take my tests ho||0||5 59|0|jane|01/26/2000|06:57:10|Lozza|What extra things to do when trying a new horse|Tommorrow i am going to try a horse ( i was supposed to try it out 3 weeks ago but it was lame) anyway i have tried a heap of horses for sale over the||0||5 89|0|SamL|02/04/2000|20:30:44|BC|Dressage Selection|Hi, I am a keen on Dressage and Recently went to the National Dressage Championships in Sydney.As a member of the crowd i was interested by the wa||0||29 74|0|Rhonda|02/06/2000|17:25:15|Jen|Ryan's Rave|Who's seen THM December Ryan's Rave? (For those of you who haven't, it's on their web site.)What a load of rubbish! I usually love Heath's articles||0||15 86|0|cateh|02/07/2000|08:00:17|Berni|Equitana Report|We've just completed a report on Equitana, for the one or two of you who may not have been there! You can get to it via Dolly's site at